D'Amore-McKim School of Business


BS in criminal justice
数据科学与健康科学 BS(combined majors )
Data Science and Health Science, BS(combined majors )
信息科学与工商管理 BS(combined majors )
Information Science and Business Administration, BS(combined majors )
信息科学与认知心理学 BS(combined majors )
Information Science and Cognitive Psychology, BS(combined majors )
信息科学与环境科学 BS(combined majors )
Information Science and Environmental Science, BS(combined majors )
信息科学与新闻学 BS(combined majors )
Information Science and Journalism, BS(combined majors )
网络安全与工商管理 BS(combined majors )
Cybersecurity and Business Administration, BS(combined majors )
非裔美国人研究 BA
African American Studies, BA
非裔美国人研究 BS
African American Studies, BS
American Sign Language, BS
亚洲研究 BA
Asian Studies, BA
西班牙语 BA
Spanish, BA
美语手语与人类服务 BA(combined majors )
American Sign Language and Human Services, BA(combined majors )
美语手语与心理学 BS(combined majors )
American Sign Language and Psychology, BS(combined majors )
美语手语与戏剧 BS(combined majors )
American Sign Language and Theatre, BS(combined majors )
历史与亚洲研究 BA(combined majors )
History and Asian Studies, BA(combined majors )
西班牙语与国际事务 BA(combined majors )
Spanish and International Affairs, BA(combined majors )
经济学 BS
Economics BS
经济学 BA
Economics BA
经济学与工商管理 BS(combined majors )
B.S. in Economics and Business Administration?(STEM?certified)(combined majors )
经济学与数学 BS(combined majors )
B.S. in Economics and Mathematics?(STEM?certified)(combined majors )
经济学与哲学 BS(combined majors )
B.S. in Economics and Philosophy?(STEM?certified)(combined majors )
经济学与计算机科学 BS(combined majors )
B.S. in Computer Science and Economics?(STEM?certified)(combined majors )
环境研究与经济学 BS(combined majors )
B.S. in Environmental Studies and Economics?(STEM?certified)(combined majors )
国际事务与经济学 BA(combined majors )
B.A. in International Affairs and Economics(combined majors )
政治科学与经济学 BA(combined majors )
B.A. in Political Science and Economics?(STEM certified)(combined majors )
政治科学与经济学 BS(combined majors )
B.S. in Political Science and Economics(combined majors )
刑事司法与哲学 BS(combined majors )
Criminal Justice and Philosophy, BS(combined majors )
刑事司法与政治科学 BS(combined majors )
Criminal Justice and Political Science, BS(combined majors )
刑事司法与心理学BS(combined majors )
Criminal Justice and Psychology, BS(combined majors )
人类服务与刑事司法 BS(combined majors )
Human Services and Criminal Justice, BS(combined majors )
刑事司法 BS/JD PlusOne bachelor’s/master’s degree
Criminal Justice,BS/JD PlusOne bachelor’s/master’s degree
英语与传播研究 BA(combined majors)
English and Communication Studies, BA(combined majors )
英语与文化人类学 BA(combined majors)
English and Cultural Anthropology, BA(combined majors )
英语与图表信息设计 BA(combined majors)
English and Graphic and Information Design, BA(combined majors
英语与哲学 BA(combined majors)
English and Philosophy, BA(combined majors )
英语与戏剧 BA(combined majors)
English and Theatre, BA(combined majors )
建筑学与英语 BS(combined majors )
Architecture and English, BS(combined majors )
计算机科学与英语 BS(combined majors )
Computer Science and English, BS(combined majors )
历史与英语 BA(combined majors )
History and English, BA(combined majors )
新闻学与英语 BA(combined majors )
Journalism and English, BA(combined majors )
语言学与英语 BA(combined majors )
Linguistics and English, BA(combined majors )
媒体与屏幕研究和英语 BA(combined majors )
Media and Screen Studies and English, BA(combined majors )
英语 BA
English, BA
历史 BA
History, BA
环境研究与历史BA(combined majors )
Environmental Studies and History, BA(combined majors )
历史与亚洲研究 BA(combined majors )
History and Asian Studies, BA(combined majors )
历史与文化人类学 BA(combined majors )
History and Cultural Anthropology, BA(combined majors )
历史与英语 BA(combined majors )
History and English, BA(combined majors )
历史与哲学 BA(combined majors )
History and Philosophy, BA(combined majors )
历史与政治科学 BA(combined majors )
History and Political Science, BA(combined majors )
历史与宗教研究 BA(combined majors )
History and Religious Studies, BA(combined majors )
媒体及屏幕研究与历史 BA(combined majors )
Media and Screen Studies and History, BA(combined majors )
历史 BS
History, BS
计算机科学与历史 BS(combined majors )
Computer Science and History, BS(combined majors )
Human Services, BA
人类服务与国际事务 BA(combined majors )
Human Services and International Affairs, BA(combined majors )
政治科学与人类服务 BA(combined majors )
Political Science and Human Services, BA(combined majors )
人类服务与社会学 BA(combined majors )
Human Services and Sociology, BA(combined majors )
人类服务 BS
Human Services, BS
美语手语与人类服务 BS(combined majors )
American Sign Language and Human Services, BS(combined majors )
人类服务与传播研究 BA(combined majors )
Human Services and Communication Studies, BA(combined majors )
人类服务与刑事司法 BS(combined majors )
Human Services and Criminal Justice, BS(combined majors )
政治科学与人类服务 BS(combined majors )
Political Science and Human Services, BS(combined majors )
人类服务与社会学 BS(combined majors )
Human Services and Sociology, BS(combined majors )
国际事务 BA
International Affairs, BA
国际事务-非洲研究 BA
International Affairs with African Studies Concentration, BA
国际事务-亚洲研究 BA
International Affairs with Asian Studies Concentration, BA
国际事务-欧洲研究 BA
International Affairs with European Studies Concentration, BA
国际事务-拉丁美洲研究 BA
International Affairs with Latin American Studies Concentration, BA
国际事务-中东研究 BA
International Affairs with Middle East Studies Concentration, BA
环境研究与国际事务 BA
Environmental Studies and International Affairs, BA
国际事务与文化人类学 BA(combined majors )
International Affairs and Cultural Anthropology, BA(combined majors )
国际事务与经济学BA(combined majors )
International Affairs and Economics,BA(combined majors )
国际事务与宗教研究 BA(combined majors )
International Affairs and Religious Studies, BA(combined majors )
政治科学与国际事务BA(combined majors )
Political Science and International Affairs, BA(combined majors )
社会学与国际事务 BA(combined majors )
Sociology and International Affairs, BA(combined majors )
西班牙语与国际事务 BA(combined majors )
Spanish and International Affairs, BA(combined majors )
犹太研究与宗教 BA
Jewish Studies and Religion, BA
哲学 BA
Philosophy, BA
宗教研究 BA
Religious Studies, BA
英语与哲学 BA (combined majors )
English and Philosophy, BA(combined majors )
环境研究与哲学 BA(combined majors )
Environmental Studies and Philosophy, BA(combined majors )
历史与哲学 BA(combined majors )
History and Philosophy, BA(combined majors )
历史与宗教研究 BA(combined majors )
History and Religious Studies, BA(combined majors )
媒体及屏幕研究与哲学 BA(combined majors )
Media and Screen Studies and Philosophy, BA(combined majors )
政治科学与哲学 BA(combined majors )
Political Science and Philosophy, BA(combined majors )
宗教研究与非裔美国人研究 BA(combined majors )
Religious Studies and African-?American Studies, BA(combined majors )
哲学 BS
Philosophy, BS
计算机科学与哲学 BS(combined majors )
Computer Science and Philosophy, BS(combined majors )
刑事司法与哲学 BS(combined majors )
Criminal Justice and Philosophy, BS(combined majors )
物理与哲学 BS(combined majors )
Physics and Philosophy, BS(combined majors )
政治科学与哲学 BS(combined majors )
Political Science and Philosophy, BS(combined majors )
政治,哲学与经济学 BS(combined majors )
Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, BS(combined majors )
政治科学 BA(combined majors )
Political Science, BA(combined majors )
环境研究与政治科学BA (combined majors )
Environmental Studies and Political Science, BA(combined majors )
历史与政治科学 BA (combined majors )
History and Political Science, BA(combined majors )
新闻与政治科学 BA (combined majors )
Journalism and Political Science, BA(combined majors )
政治科学与传播研究 BA(combined majors )
Political Science and Communication Studies, BA(combined majors )
媒体与屏幕研究和政治科学 BA (combined majors )
Media and Screen Studies and Political Science, BA(combined majors )
社会学与政治科学 BA(combined majors )
Sociology and Political Science, BA(combined majors )
政治科学 BS
Political Science, BS
生物与政治科学 BS(combined majors )
Biology and Political Science, BS(combined majors )
政治科学与工商管理 BS(combined majors )
Political Science and Business Administration, BS(combined majors )
政治科学与传播研究 BS(combined majors )
Political Science and Communication Studies, BS(combined majors )
计算机科学与哲学 BS(combined majors )
Computer Science and Political Science, BS(combined majors )
社会学 BA
Sociology, BA
文化人类学 BA
Cultural Anthropology, BA
社会学与文化人类学BA (combined majors )
Sociology and Cultural Anthropology, BA(combined majors )
传播研究与社会学 BA (combined majors )
Communication Studies and Sociology, BA(combined majors )
文化人类学与戏剧 BA (combined majors )
Cultural Anthropology and Theatre, BA(combined majors )
媒体与屏幕研究和社会学BA(combined majors )
Media and Screen Studies and Sociology, BA(combined majors )
社会学与环境研究BA (combined majors )
Sociology and Environmental Studies, BA(combined majors )
社会学 BS
Sociology, BS
计算机科学与社会学 BS(combined majors )
Computer Science and Sociology, BS(combined majors )
文化人类学 BS
Cultural Anthropology, BS
社会学与文化人类学 BS(combined majors )
Sociology and Cultural Anthropology, BS(combined majors )
语言学与文化人类学 BS(combined majors )
Linguistics and Cultural Anthropology, BS(combined majors )
Economics MS
Criminal Justice MS
English MA
History MA
International Affairs MA
Political Science
Public Policy MPA
Security and Resilience Studies MS
Urban Informatics MS
Urban Planning and Policy MS
PhD in Applied Economics
英语 PhD
Ph.D. in English
历史-世界史 PhD
History PhD-World History
政治科学 PhD
PhD in Political Science
公共政策 PhD
Public Policy PhD
社会学 PhD
Sociology, PhD
Sociology, PhD-Urban Sociology
社会学-性别社会学 PhD
Sociology, PhD-Sociology of Gender
社会学-全球化 PhD
Sociology, PhD-Globalization
社会学-环境与健康 PhD
Sociology, PhD-Environment and Health